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The SPPD Chain of Command.

Chief of Police
Justin Carter


Justin Carter is a 26 year old US Army Veteran and an active sworn law enforcement officer. Carter was the original creator and founder of the San Paro Police Department on Xbox One, forming the clan while he was in High School. After having played APB on PC as a child and losing access to the game, due to his Lenovo Laptop's poor Specs, Carter jumped on the opportunity to form the clan on Xbox when the game was first released. Carter led the SPPD until the Xbox version became unplayable. After some years passed, the Xbox servers were eventually shut down by LittleOrbit. When the data migration from Xbox to PC was announced, Carter was spammed with messages from members until he agreed to return and relaunch the SPPD on PC. 

Chet Daniels


Chet Daniels is a 22 Year Old Medical Student and avid firearms enthusiast. Daniels joined the SPPD upon its formation in 2016 after becoming acquainted with Carter. Daniels had never played APB Reloaded prior to Xbox One but quickly fell in love with the game. Daniels became an integral component of the SPPD's operational structure and is regarded as one of its most trusted command staff members.  



Westfield is a 22 year old Security Guard from the United Kingdom. Westfield joined the San Paro Police Department in 2018 and over the years, proved himself to be a valued team member and capable leader through his hard work and dedication to the clan. Westfield climbed the ranks from Officer to Lieutenant, and was assigned to "SWAT" which is made up of SPPD's top PVP Officers. Upon hearing of the migration from Xbox to PC, Westfield immediately went out and purchased a new gaming computer so he could join the SPPD relaunch. 

All rights reserved San Paro Paro Police Department 2024

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